Thu, 16 May 2013 - 21:00

National Broadband Network

Mr Fletcher asked the Minister representing the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, in writing, on 4 February 2013:

What business continuity plans exist to enable the NBN Co. to effectively respond to unforeseen events disrupting services.


Mr Albanese: The Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy has provided the following answer to the honourable member's question:

NBN Co Limited (NBN Co) noted in its 2012-15 Corporate Plan (pg. 28) that is has created Business Continuity, Crisis Management and Disaster Recovery Plans that will enable it to continue operations in the event of a material business disruption, whilst also ensuring that it can continue to meet financial and service obligations to stakeholders.

NBN Co provided further details on its Business Continuity Plan in response to a Question on Notice from the Public Hearing of the Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network on 30 October 2012. NBN Co indicated that its Business Continuity management encompasses the following distinct phases:

Undertaking a Disruption Risk Assessment - i.e. to determine and evaluate the types of disruptions that could impact operations and to evaluate the risk level;

Production of a Business Impact Analysis, which details the impact on critical business processes across NBN Co, evaluating the risk level, and the subsequent priority and resources required to resume operations;

Creating Plans, which document response strategies, resource requirements and contact lists; and

Plans are then tested or rehearsed to ensure their effectiveness.

Risk is factored into the plans by linking with NBN Co's Enterprise-wide Risk Management Framework, with the risk appetite level being set by the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.