Sun, 18 Nov 2012 - 22:00

Kids, 6, fight over Facebook: Article by Philip Hudson

TEACHERS have been forced to break up Facebook fights between kids as young as six while some teenagers are secretly running two Facebook accounts so they can keep one hidden from mum and dad. And parents say the explosion
in the number of internet enabled devices in the home makes them feel like they are running the IT department of a small company, according to research by the federal Opposition.

Some children have been victims of classmates setting up fake Facebook accounts and using them to attack other students and teachers. Parents have found their child playing games with unmoderated chat rooms and kids say they don't tell parents about cyber bullying because they fear they will be cut off from their computer.
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott will today seek to tackle rising concern about the reach of social media and internet devices by announcing policy options and seeking feedback. Former high-ranking Optus


  • Check if the device or content (such as apps) allows children to spend money using a parent's credit card
  • Put your child's name into a search engine such as Google to see if they are using privacy settings on Facebook
  • Consider keeping devices in the kitchen to be charged overnight
  • Understand the device children are using and if it has internet access
  • Beware rgar McDonald's and many stores offer free wi-fi

Former high-ranking Optus executive Paul Fletcher, who is now a Liberal MP, has led an Opposition study into the issue. He says these devices have a presence in the lounge rooms and bedrooms of the nation equal to the television and telephone. Options include requiring social media outlets like Facebook to have rapid removal of content harmful to kids, especially in cases of bullying. There could also be national rules for smartphones to have a symbol showing if they are suitable for kids, a commissioner to certify online safety programs for school and more resources for federal police. "This is a real challenge for parents to keep up with their kids and this technology," Mr  Fletcher told the Herald Sun. "Parents are under pressure and schools and teachers are also facing a major new area of responsibility." Mr Fletcher said a principal had been forced to break up a fight over Facebook between sixyear- old children while some teenagers had been found to have two Facebook accounts with one being a sanitised version for mum and dad. Mr Fletcher said while many children were confident users of technology that did not mean mthey had the judgment to assess risks.

Mr Fletcher said there should me more "corporate social responsibility" from companies.