Wed, 02 Dec 2015 - 09:39

AFR: Paul Fletcher's plan to 'capture' property values to pay for infrastructure

The days of great slabs of free Commonwealth money being handed over to states for new roads and railways is rapidly becoming a thing of the past.

With the budget under pressure, Canberra is increasingly keen to see new projects funded by tapping into the future gains in property values that invariably follow.

In an important speech, Federal Minister for Major Projects Paul Fletcher put state and territory government on notice that the Turnbull government is eyeing off "the value which can be generated through increasing property values when new roads or rail links are built."

That process of tapping into the future economic gain caused by a project - often dubbed "value capture" - could soon be made a condition of federal funding.

"If the Commonwealth were requested to provide grant funding to a state government to support a particular project, we might make it conditional upon the state government demonstrating that the project was supported by a suitable value sharing strategy," Mr Fletcher said late on Monday.

"That might involve the rezoning of land around new stations to permit multi-story apartment blocks, allowing a significant increase in land value which could be tapped under a value sharing approach to contribute towards the cost of the new railway line."

The Commonwealth's push for value capture means it wouldn't have to borrow as much for new projects, while their resulting economic benefits would flow more broadly than just to lucky adjacent property owners or developers.

"This approach seems likely to be particularly important when it comes to public transport projects, which typically do not generate revenues sufficient to even cover their operating costs, let along contribute to the capital cost of the project," Mr Fletcher said.

"Yet such projects can generate significant economic value in areas close to the station - value which can be shared through methods such as charges on local properties and the sale of development rights."

Increasingly common in the UK and US, value capture funding systems are being used as way of drawing more private money into new projects.

For instance, major projects could one day be funded by pledging to bond holders a slice of the future gains in land taxes generated by rising property prices near new roads or railway lines.

A study by former Infrastructure Australia board member, Professor Peter Newman at Curtin University, estimates that Perth's southern rail line boosted the value of land around its stations by 42 per cent over five years.

The money that flowed subsequently through land tax, stamp duty and rate increases could have paid up to 80 per cent of the cost of the railway.

Mr Fletcher said value capture funding was in many ways reviving an old idea - pointing out that in the 19th century, US railways companies received major land grants along their routes, allowing the profits from land development to help defray construction costs.

"While there were aspects of this process we would not want to replicate today, it nevertheless illustrates the value that infrastructure adds to economic assets and activity."

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in October warned that direct Commonwealth grants were not the only way the Federal government "can or should" support infrastructure.

"In the future, we want to look at more innovative approaches," he said. "We also have to look creatively at how we capture the value that arises from the increase in property values and the improvement in the utility of adjacent land from the building of infrastructure."

In his speech, Mr Fletcher also reiterated that the government was sympathetic to the Harper Review's recent call for increased use of road-user pricing.

"Ultimately, there are only two source of funding for new and upgraded infrastructure: from taxpayers, or from those who directly benefit from the infrastructure," he said.

While state governments had a natural incentive to demand as much money from Canberra as possible, there was a collective state and federal responsibility to "explore innovative approaches to the funding of projects."

Even though it was politically unpopular, Mr Fletcher noted that the trucking industry had recently shown a preparedness to support new toll roads where the cost savings to drivers and their owners were larger than the cost of the toll.

"For example, the Australian Trucking Association expressed its support for NorthConnex, the toll road being built as a tunnel under Pennant Hills Road in Sydney to connect the M1 in Wahroonga with the M2 in Pennant Hills."