Sun, 11 Jan 2015 - 22:00

ABC AM: Mobile Black Spot Programme

SARAH DINGLE: Fire crews are still mopping up a blaze in Victoria's west and are hopeful heavy rain will help put it out this weekend. But a year after the huge Grampians bushfire and with more blazes in the area last week, residents are still upset mobile phone coverage hasn't been fixed in high risk areas. During last week's emergency at Moyston in the Grampians, more than 3,000 sheep were lost and two homes were destroyed. The Federal Government still hasn't decided which areas are first in line for network upgrades this year. Stephanie Corsetti reports from the Grampians.

STEPHANIE CORSETTI: Thousands of tourists take a break in the Grampians region each year.

But Halls Gap fire-fighter and accommodation owner Tubby Drendel says they're placed in danger each summer by the terrible phone reception.

TUBBY DRENDEL: We have no way of contacting our customers unless we see them in person. They might be up the mountain; they might be in their lodges which is 300 metres away. We can't ring 'em; we actually have to go and them.

STEPHANIE CORSETTI: This lack of contact can be dangerous when fire strikes, as it did just one week ago, south east of Halls Gap.

In 40 degree heat, a fire broke out to an emergency level at Moyston, but the usual gaps in mobile reception again caused community concern.

Paul Hooper is the Mayor of the Ararat Shire and says the ongoing blackspot issues are putting lives at risk.

PAUL HOOPER: We have significant coverage issues on the eastern flank of the Grampians where we are, but it's far bigger than that. I suppose it's been compounded by the fact that we completely depend on mobile devices now, whether it be by phone or by tablet or by portability, and it's not just in terms of communications; it's also from business.

STEPHANIE CORSETTI: The Federal Government has committed $100 million nationally to upgrading the network.

More than 200 new mobile phone base stations will be built across the country, but the final locations won't be chosen until later this year.

Paul Fletcher is the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Communications.

PAUL FLETCHER: Certainly the Grampians is an area of need.

In the guidelines we've indicated a number of criteria that are important such as areas that are prone to natural disaster, including bushfires and floods. Also, areas that have a significant seasonal variation in their population, for example because they're tourist areas.

STEPHANIE CORSETTI: Residents say the rollout is taking too long, but Mr Fletcher insists the outlook will improve for rural and regional areas.

PAUL FLETCHER: Australia is a massive country and some 70 per cent of land mass of Australia still does not have terrestrial mobile coverage. Now all three mobile operators, Telstra, Optus, and Vodafone, are expending significant amounts of money to increase their network coverage each year. But there are always going to be locations that are not going to be included in their build plan any time soon.

STEPHANIE CORSETTI: Another problem authorities vowed to address this summer was community complaints about gaining access to towns after the fires, particularly for farmers trying to reach injured livestock.

Victoria Police Superintendent Matthew Ryan says those with a valid reason to re-enter a fire zone will be let through under revised safety checks.

MATTHEW RYAN: The prime objective of them is to keep people safe.

Now when we have circumstances of emergencies, adrenalin pumps, people have very tunnelled focus sometimes, understandably, in relation to what they're trying to achieve, and can be at time, just like in any group of people, you will get some who will be unreasonable. But that doesn't mean most people don't fully understand the need for them and comply with the conditions.

STEPHANIE CORSETTI: This weekend, fire crews are still working on the Rocklands bushfire that has burnt close to 5,000 hectares in the Black Range State Park in the state's west.

SARAH DINGLE: Stephanie Corsetti reporting from the Grampians.
