Fri, 18 May 2012 - 07:00

Principal's Courageous Action Highlights Threat of Cyberbullying

A Queensland Principal's decisive and courageous action - threatening to expel children under 13 with Facebook profiles - highlights the real dangers of unrestricted social media use by children too young to judge the risks involved, said Paul Fletcher MP, Chair of the Coalition's Online Safety Working Group.

The principal, Leonie Hultgren, of Harlaxton State School in Toowoomba, is reported to have told her school community that children under 13 found with illegal Facebook accounts will find their enrolment at risk.

“This is a courageous action by school Principal Leonie Hultgren. She has demonstrated a willingness to confront the challenging issue of cyberbullying and online safety.The Coalition’s Online Safety Working Group, set up by Tony Abbott in January this year to look at cyberbullying and other online safety risks facing children, has spoken to children, teachers and parents around the country.  We have looked closely at the very extensive use of Facebook and other social media among Australian children and teenagers.

"Many children are not well equipped to judge the risks involved in social media.  One thirteen year old girl in Caboolture told us she had 850 friends on Facebook - and conceded she did not know them all personally.  

"Children's understanding of privacy and reputation protection is patchy; there are plenty of instances of photos and other information being open to the whole world because the privacy settings have not been used properly.  

"Principals and teachers around the country have told us how much time they now allocate to resolving cyberbullying incidents on Facebook and other social media.  One principal in Perth told us of an incident between two seven year olds on Facebook.

"It is clear that parents and schools need better support and better tools so they can help the children and teenagers in their care understand and navigate the risks of the internet - just as we have always helped children with the other risks of growing up including alcohol and drugs, water safety, road safety and many other issues.

"The Coalition’s Online Safety Working Group will be making recommendations to Tony Abbott and the Shadow Cabinet by the middle of the year, with a view to specific policy initiatives in this vital area being included in Coalition pollies for the next election."

Mr Fletcher was speaking from Bendigo where the Coalition’s Online Safety Working Group is meeting with students and teachers at a range of schools to discuss online safety.