Wed, 08 Jun 2016 - 21:00

More than $11 million for rehab services to tackle ice in South Australia

South Australia will receive an $11.66 million boost from the Turnbull Coalition Government for local drug and alcohol rehabilitation services as part of our $300 million plan to combat the scourge of ice in communities across the country.

The funding is part of the Turnbull Coalition Government’s response to the National Ice Taskforce Final Report, which was handed down in December, and is targeted to help reduce demand for ice and addict-based crime by supporting local treatment services to help get addicts off ice and out of the drug market.

While treatment delivery is primarily the responsibility of state governments, the Coalition is working with the states to ensure our efforts to combat this scourge are more coordinated and targeted.

Adelaide Primary Health Network Ltd and Country SA Primary Health Network Ltd will be responsible for commissioning the services. Funding will flow from July 1.

Countless families across South Australian communities are dealing with the fallout of this violent drug, many of whom are concerned about accessing treatment and rehab services.

This money will provide a much needed boost to support people in Adelaide and the country regions that are grappling with ice addiction and substance misuse.

While a law enforcement response is vital, the National Ice Taskforce made it clear that if we don’t reduce demand for ice, our communities will remain a lucrative market for the crooks that peddle this misery.

The Turnbull Coalition Government has said all along that we can’t arrest our way out of this scourge. We have to stop people from using the drug, and we have to help current users quit.

This means getting the right mix – making sure the right type of help is available, services are effectively targeted and our frontline workers, including law enforcement, health professionals and educators, have the tools they need to combat this scourge.

To break the drug dealer’s business model, we have to smash the demand for their insidious product and this funding will help to do just that.