Fri, 13 Jul 2018 - 12:47

Media Release: One year in, City Deal delivering for Launceston

The Launceston City Deal is boosting local jobs and investment in the city, according to the first annual progress report.

Federal Minister for Urban Infrastructure and Cities, Paul Fletcher, said the report highlighted the benefits from City Deals of effective collaboration between all levels of government and the local community.

“Through the City Deal, we are partnering with the Tasmanian Government, the City of Launceston and others to invest in a strong and prosperous economic future for Launceston, securing its place as a vibrant, liveable and innovative city,” Mr Fletcher said.

Treasurer of Tasmania Peter Gutwein said the City Deal also encompassed Launceston’s biggest ever infrastructure build, $260 million to relocate the University of Tasmania’s main Launceston Campus to the heart of the city.

“This will be an absolute game changer for the region, creating jobs and more opportunities for generations to come.  We look forward to the new campus welcoming students and staff, starting in 2021,” Mr Gutwein said.

The $260 million commitment includes a $130 million commitment from the Australian Government, $60 million from the Tasmanian Government, $5.4 million from the City of Launceston, and $64.6 million from the University of Tasmania.

City of Launceston Mayor Albert van Zetten said the next 12 months were expected to see progress on the various components of the City Deal.

“The Brisbane Street Mall reconstruction and Regional Economic Development Plan are both due for completion by year’s end, with the latter then to shift to the implementation phase,” Alderman van Zetten said.

“We will also deliver the Northern Suburbs Revitalisation Plan by early 2019, providing an integrated approach to infrastructure, public spaces, land use and environmental policy.”

Liberal Senator for Tasmania David Bushby said he was excited about the opportunities the many projects being advanced in the Launceston City Deal will deliver for the people of Launceston and surrounding areas.

“Launceston is a beautiful city with many natural and competitive advantages, not least its people,” Senator Bushby said.  

“The Federal Government’s City Deal brings together the three levels of government and the community, to identify ways northern Tasmania’s advantages can be turned into opportunity, through the delivery of carefully targeted societal, educational and commercial transformation.

The Launceston City Deal was signed in April 2017. This first annual progress report was produced in consultation with all City Deal partners and is available at