Wed, 20 May 2015 - 09:00

Joint release with Rick Wilson: NBN roll-out gathers momentum in O’Connor

Cranbrook and Williams are just two of the many towns in O’Connor now able to access superfast broadband with the NBN Co offering internet speeds faster than typical ADSL connections in the cities.

“Today’s launch at Cranbrook and Williams signals another important milestone towards delivering new fixed wireless NBN facilities which will benefit local residents in the region,” Mr Wilson said. 

In the O’Connor electorate around 2,700 premises are now able to order a fixed wireless service.  The localities with services available include Williams, Narrogin (surrounds), Kojonup (surrounds), Cranbrook, Tenterden, Kendenup, Mount Barker (surrounds) and Manjimup.

“The activation of nine fixed wireless towers in O’Connor since November shows that the NBN roll-out is making good progress in O’Connor,” Mr Wilson said. 

The fixed wireless network utilises advanced 4G technology to deliver speeds of up to 25 megabits per second, enabling multiple high definition videos to be streamed at one time.

“The delivery of these fixed wireless facilities is one of the many ways in which the Federal Government is working to deliver on its pledge to get the NBN roll-out back on track,” Mr Fletcher said.

The Coalition will invest up to $1.2 billion more in rural Australia to ensure the satellite and fixed wireless networks are able to cope with demand.

Since the election, the fixed wireless network has more than doubled the number of premises it passes, with more than 200,000 homes and businesses in rural Australia covered by the network.

“This announcement in Cranbrook and Williams shows that we are strongly committed to getting the job done sooner and more affordably for local residents,” Mr Wilson said.

Potential customers can see the areas served by NBN Co’s fixed wireless service can order a new service by contacting a retail service provider.

A list of providers is available on the NBN Co website