Thu, 22 Nov 2018 - 12:38

Joint Media Release: Government rolls out $35m to tackle disadvantage with Logan leading the way

The Liberal-National Government has committed more than $35 million to support 10 communities across Australia to help break entrenched disadvantage.

Federal Minister for Families and Social Services, Paul Fletcher, said the Stronger Places, Stronger People program will help local communities to achieve the best life outcomes for children and their families.

The funding includes up to $3.75m over five years for the Queensland community of Logan, which inspired the program’s creation.

“Our Liberal-National Government is committed to ensuring all children are reaching their full potential,” Mr Fletcher said. 

“This targeted funding will be directed at communities where there is entrenched disadvantage.

“It will go into community-led and driven projects that are co-funded by state and territory governments.

“These community-led place-based initiatives involve governments working together with leaders and families, philanthropy and researchers to support and lead change.

“Initiatives can range from lifting education standards to preparing children for school. The common thread will be that they improve life outcomes for disadvantaged children and their families.”

Federal Member for Forde, Bert van Manen, whose electorate takes in part of Logan, said the Logan Together partnership of community organisations and leaders in the local area had been a trailblazer.

“I am proud that Logan Together and its partnership with the Federal Government inspired the Stronger Places, Stronger People initiative,” Mr van Manen said.

“Children in Logan are already benefitting from this approach, with more families accessing early intervention services and ensuring their children are participating in literacy programs, kindergarten and maternal and child health services.”

Mr Fletcher said an additional nine communities would be selected across Australia following an extensive consultation process. Funding will run over five years. 

“The Liberal-National Government will work alongside these communities to test and learn what works to build strong communities and resilient families,” Mr Fletcher said.