Tue, 10 Dec 2013 - 22:00

Government Announces Productivity Commission Review of Childcare and Early Learning

Paul Fletcher MP, Federal Member for Bradfield has today welcomed the Productivity Commission’s release of a child care and early learning issues paper and encouraged Bradfield families and childcare operators to join the discussion by making a submission to the Productivity Commission’s inquiry.

“The work lives of Australian families are no longer strictly nine-to-five and we need a child care model which supports our needs now, rather than languishing in the previous century,” Mr Fletcher said.

“Constituents often raise with me issues relating to childcare such as affordability, availability and the need for reduced regulation and red-tape.

“The Productivity Commission plans to travel around the country and talk to parents, educators and operators face-to-face to ensure as many people can have their say as possible,” Mr Fletcher said.

The Productivity Commission is expected to report to the Government by the end of October 2014. Initial submissions close 3 February 2014.

Those interested in downloading the paper or making a submission should visit www.pc.gov.au/projects/inquiry/childcare.