Mon, 02 Feb 2015 - 22:00

Fletcher Welcomes News of NorthConnex Financial Close

Member for Bradfield Paul Fletcher today welcomed the news that contracts have been signed between the NSW Government and NorthConnex project proponents TranUrban and WestLink M7 shareholders.

“NorthConnex will be a nine kilometre long tunnel, running under the existing route of Pennant Hills Road, linking the M1 and M2 motorways to reduce congestion, shorten travel times and improve safety”, said Mr Fletcher.

“This very important project has been backed with a commitment of $405 million by the Abbott Government federally, and of $405 million by the Baird Government in NSW,”

“Today heavy congestion along Pennant Hills Road has a very serious impact on communities such as Wahroonga, Normanhurst and Thornleigh. Once NorthConnex is built it will offer significant benefits for community amenity in these areas.”

“I am pleased that the NSW Government has imposed a number of conditions in response to community concerns raised during the consultation process. For example, the Secretary of the NSW Department of Planning has new powers to intervene if the air quality levels reported live and made publicly available, exceed limits to the conditions of approval.“

“I support this project and believe it will deliver significant benefits for my constituents in Bradfield.”