Sun, 30 Jun 2013 - 21:00

Fletcher says the time has come for the people to choose

Paul Fletcher MP, Federal Member for Bradfield said Australians want an election so they can choose their government and prime minister.

“As I talk with people throughout Bradfield they are telling me that they feel let down and disappointed in a government that is focused on itself rather than the challenges facing the country.  They know that the next election is the most important choice before our country in a generation”, said Mr Fletcher

“Once again the faceless men of the Labor Party, rather than the people, have chosen a Prime Minister.

“For too long we’ve had chaos, division and dysfunction. 

Mr Fletcher said when he spoke with people in Bradfield; he constantly heard that people wanted real change.

“I will be campaigning from now until the election to explain our Real Solutions Plan to build a strong prosperous economy and a safe, secure Australia – with more jobs, higher wages and better services for all Australians.

“Our Plan will abolish the carbon tax, keep fortnightly pension and benefit increases, help small business employ people, get the Budget under control and secure the borders.

 “Only the Coalition offers our country a competent, experienced and united government that is focused on delivering real change for our country.

“After six years of division and dysfunction, only an election will deliver a genuinely united government and a better future - for all Australians.”